Tuition on demand

We offer the following tuition – on demand.

No need to wait for a set date or for a group workshop – you can go ahead and book a date for your learning right now when it is convenient for you.

1 on 1 tuition makes the learning more specific to you and provides you with greater personal attention.

The following two workshops are suitable for beginners, and no previous horse experience is required.

Animal Communication

Animal Communication involves communicating with animals energetically and non-verbally through telepathy and intuition.

The ability to communicate inter-species is our natural birth-right and something that we are all capable of. Once we master the process it just takes practice.

Learning to communicate inter-species is a profound journey of the heart enabling us to better understand one another and to lean deeper into our relationships with Animals and Nature

Many of the Animal Communication exercises and practices can be beneficially applied to other areas of our lives, for example: deeper intuition levels, stronger visualization abilities, better listening skills, enhanced empathy, a quieter mind, lower levels of stress, higher levels of heart coherence and resilience, and a healthier, calmer, more harmonious and balanced over all physiological state.

Individual in-person tuition is available on demand on the farm in Klapmuts.

A full day immersion into the practice of animal or interspecies communication

Interspecies communication is our natural birthright!

Horse Whispering

Enrich your life and your relationship with horses.
The Art of Horse Whispering
has to do with getting to know the horse at the level of heart and soul.

This is not a workshop about the horse as a riding animal, this is a workshop where you get to discover the true wild essence and the magnificent medicine of horses

Suitable for complete beginners with no previous horse experience or for those who have some horse experience.

Our version of Horse Whispering is the art of listening deeply to horses, with the intention of understanding them fully, in order to relate to them at the deepest level. It requires time, experience, thorough knowledge of horses, and a subtle and sensitive approach.

Compassion, empathy, keen observation and feel are key aspects of relating across species, as well as an attitude of equality and respect. Relating and bonding happen at a deeper and richer level, along with heightened levels of intuition and direct-knowing, and a greater appreciation for the horse as a species. Horse whispering extends into a way of working with, handling, training or riding horses that is richly rewarding for both.

There are two aspects to the learning:
the one is learning information about the horse, and the other is experiential.

No prior horse experience is required to learn with us, novices are welcome.
Individual tuition is available on demand in Klapmuts.

Opening details

Open 7 days a week by appointment only.
Open from 8am to 6pm.
Whatsapp or email to book.


We are located in Klapmuts.
Address is provided on booking.