About us

Facilitator Sam Huckle

Sam is a life-long horse lover. Over the decades she has experienced many different horses each with their own unique personality. As much as Sam loves to ride, it’s the relationship with each horse that she values most. Spending quality time hanging out in the herd outdoors in nature is good medicine.

The Power of Coaching

All of us benefit from having someone’s quality, undivided energy focused on us. When that someone is a professional coach, who provides space and structure for the reflection that is necessary for our learning and growth, then we can gain rapid momentum in the direction of our life vision and goals. A coach helps to guide, challenge and support along the way – as well as holding us accountable to moving forward and taking action. Having a personal life coach gives you a powerful advantage when it comes to navigating and creating the life of your dreams.

With four decades of horse experience, Sam Huckle is both an equine professional and a facilitator with twenty-five years of experience in the arena of personal empowerment, mindfulness, self-development, and transformation.

Her qualifications and experience include:
HNLP Coaching, NLP, Eriksonian hypnotherapy (Jevon Dangeli),
Counselling (Life-Line),
Equine Assisted Learning/Coaching (Vanessa Malvacini/Omega-tac),
Family Constellations (Gui Barcellos, Claudia Vassão),
Non Violent Communication,
The Horse Boy Method I,
Art of Living philosophy and practice, Vipassana,
Reiki (Master), Pranic Healing, Reconnective Healing, TTOUCH,
Mentoring (BigBrotherBigSisterSA),
Animal Communication (Anna Breytenbach),
Shamanism and ceremonial work and technologies for enhancing community including Vision Quest, Sweat Lodge, Talking Circle, and more.

Equine Assisted Coaching

Horses are large, powerful and sensitive animals who naturally seek connection and relationship. Their prey animal sensitivity allows them to read energy very effectively – including the energy, emotions, and intentions of people. The feedback we get in real-time from working or engaging with a horse gives us an opportunity to see ourselves; to see what is usually hidden in our blind-spots. From there we are able to reflect; and decide whether to make the changes that will move us forward towards our desired and intended outcomes.


I was so moved by the last workshop, it was very, very special for me, to connect with the herd and to connect with myself, and all the messages that came through, very powerful. I think that the workshop was a really powerful starter for just trusting my intuition and my leadership and my sovereignty.

Workshop participant Ella Grieg, Woman’s Full Moon Circle facilitator

Family Constellations

I recently had my first horse constellation with Sam Huckle from Medicine Horse. The experience was truly majestic with her magnificent horses. The horses picked up on my energy from the time of my arrival and the constellation began almost immediately. It was profound. They enter the knowing field very quickly and started to engage with me, offering exactly what I needed. Sam’s guidance, patience, sensitivity, experience and wisdom to know what’s needed next and at the right time was tremendous. I highly recommend a session with Sam and her beautiful horses.

Family Constellations client Meryl Abrahams, Professional Specialised Kinesiologist

30 days of Soulful Questions process

Dearest Sam

To let you know that even though this week has been extremely stressful regarding family and Life in general. These Soulful Questions are holding and supporting me in the gentlest and firmest and most sure-footedness of ways.This energy is extraordinary centring calming focusing. The Truth of my shadow and the celebration of my light is tumbling out. This beautiful magnificent process Knows and my appreciation and gratitude Know no bounds

– DM, 30 Days of Soulful Questions participant

Thank you very much for this journey. Thank you for all the hard work you put in to share the Wisdom of the horses & to keep in touch with us & inspire us daily. Much appreciated. I looked forward to the daily gift from the horses. 

I have held the question in mind & heart daily together with the horse wisdom. It has given each day a unique focus & been inspiring. Lovely to bring oneself into resonance with the universal wisdom of the herd. 

So thank you very much. Blessings.
– Michelle, 30 Days of Soulful Questions participant

© Sam Huckle | Medicine Horse 2018-2024. All rights reserved.