We are an Equine Assisted Resource for those who are searching for change and looking to grow their lives.
Horse Medicine can be applied to all levels of life: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. We provide a safe container for those who may be feeling overwhelm, anxiety, confusion, challenged – and for those who are seeking clarity, direction, creativity, focus, relaxation, and expansion. Ages 16 and up are welcome to experience the incredible healing power of horses with us.
As prey animals horses are highly sensitive and tuned into Nature and their environment through their senses; and as herd animals horses live in relationship with others or in community, navigating the energies, emotions and communications that are at play in any relationship.
We experience Horses as sentient and emotional beings.
The value that horses provide in a therapeutic setting is in their constant, present moment, non-verbal, embodied, and authentic feedback to the client. The work with the horses is effective because they are large, powerful, embodied animals who naturally and automatically seek connection, relationship, community, harmony and comfort; their nature is always to move towards that.
Through the feedback and reflection of the horses the client is able to see and identify feelings and patterns of behaviour.
Sessions with the horses are private; you may choose not to verbalize in a session and you will still benefit from the energy, presence, and silent interaction with the horse. Silent communication is no less powerful.
Horses work at a deep and profound level.
If you are committed to change and growth then the horses will meet you there.
Open 7 days a week by appointment only.
Open from 8am to 6pm.
Whatsapp or email to book.
We are located in Klapmuts.
Address is provided on booking.
© Medicine Horse 2018-2024. All rights reserved.